any issues in getting leads

Are you facing any issues in getting exact leads in B2B wholesale business?

Generating leads has never been easy for the one who handles B2B wholesale business in the year 2021. In line with Hubspot analytics, 61% of marketers face the challenge of creating traffic and leads. We all know how to increase traffic. So we can move to the term “lead”.

A Lead is anybody who expresses an interest in the goods or services your company offers, however, might not be prepared to shop for yet. It’s difficult to change visitors to lead. Lead generation is a critical key for B2B business. So we have to definitely make a plan in our business guidelines to get leads. Also, the sales team should make a long term approach in the case of B2B business.

For that first, we have to create a lead generation funnel

What is the Lead Generation funnel?

Most of the companies don’t prepare a lead generation funnel yet. Maybe they don’t know about it or maybe they don’t have much seriousness in this.

Whatever, we should prepare a funnel to generate leads.

So Lead generation funnel represents the path a person follows from the time they give you their information to the time they make a purchase. 50%of visitors aren’t ready to purchase at first contact. This funnel acts as a roadmap to get visitors here.

The funnel has 3 phases:

  1. Top-Attract
  2. Middle-engage
  3. Bottom-convert

What is the relationship between content and lead generation funnel?

Content is important in three phases. Whether it is a blog, newsletter, webinar or anything else, content guides you to turn leads. With marketing automation systems and retargeting, You can provide timely information through content that answers the difficulties of your leads.

Let’s take a look at content in these phases:


It is the first phase of the funnel which starts when your audience first visits your website. The top of the funnel should concentrate on how the visitors get attracted by your b2b business features and is the crucial stage to stay potential customers here.

There are so many marketing tactics to attract individuals at this level of the funnel. like;

  • BLOG

You can approach these tactics to get potential customers. Try to make readers feel that they get the right information regarding their search query or their business.


The middle of the funnel is the stage in which visitors are ready to convert into leads. While the top of the funnel builds a personal connection, this is where you use that trust to build a business relationship.

After you’ve collected their information, you can start engaging and educating your leads. Finally, you must promote your service as a response to their challenges.

In this phase, you can share the below methods to promote your potential customers.



When a lead arrives at the lower part of your lead generation funnel, they are a prospect.    Bottom of funnel contains:

  • Case studies
  • Comparisons
  • FAQs
  • Demos
  • Reviews

          In this stage, leads take the decision to purchase. if you give less effort in this session then leads will not move to sales. the people reach at this stage to know more about how the product works, what benefits they should expect, like.

Your duty at this stage is to carry your leads and encourage them.

How to generate B2B wholesale  Leads?

One of the main pain points facing B2B marketers and business owners is to get exact leads. What’s more disheartening is you know them but you don’t seem to be able to reach them.

Here are some of the tips to get exact leads below:

Give more preference to complementing organic ranking with PPC

organic ranking with PPC
  • This is one kind of fastest method to get potential customers by ranking first on search engines.
  • PPC stands for pay-per-click. 
  • This is a simplest  way of internet marketing during which advertisers pay a fee on every occasion one in all their ads is clicked. 
  • When you search keywords on search engine you will be able to see the difference as these paid ads labelled with the word “ad” or “sponsored.
  • These results in your site rank at top of paid search in SERP

Make use of social media

social media marketing
  • Social media now attains a great platform to advertise yourself
  • Only a good personal connection with customers makes strength to get leads. Thus social media gives you a way to achieve it.
  • It has a great humanizing power to sustain your customers around you.
  • Linkedin is a useful social media platform for those in the B2B wholesale business who want to generate motivated leads

Host webinars 

host webinars
  • Webinars give more attention to your product 
  • Make webinars by bringing q&a sessions. As a result, the listeners get more clarity about your product.
  • Use the webinar for the practical sessions too

Maximise CTA in your website on apt place

maximise CTA in your weebsite
  • CTA is an image or line of  text that helps clients, leads, visitors to take action
  • Import CTA on top of your website otherwise you will definitely miss out on visitors
  • CTA comes in different forms in respective with the kind of visitors
  • Lead generation
  • Form submission
  • Social sharing
  • Read more button
  • Closing the sale
  • Event or promotion

Leads are the key ingredient for succeeding any business. Right leads only will improve our marketing in a better way. Without leads,  B2B wholesale business or even another business won’t be sustained.


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