Buyers and Buyer groups

  1. Who is a buyer

The customers of the sellers are called buyers 

  1. What is a buyer group?

 Buyers are categorised into different groups based on any criteria defined by sellers. 

Default group’ as a buyer group is already present in the system. If the seller doesn’t want to add more than one buyer group, all the buyers will be added to the ‘Default group’. 

  1. How to add a buyer group
  • On the menu sidebar, navigate to the fourth icon, select Buyers.           
  • Click Add Group, a dialogue box will appear.
  • Provide the Name and Description ( Not Mandatory), then click Save
  1. How to add buyers ?
  • On the menu sidebar, navigate to the fourth icon, select Buyers and then select Buyers List. 
  • Click Add Buyer, a dialogue box will appear
  • Provide the relevant information in the columns
  • What is the “ Time Zone “ column in the Buyer Details list?

It is the time zone of the customer location so that all the activities will be shown at that time. 

  • What is the “Buyer Group” column in the Buyer Details list?

All the buyer groups created will be shown in the drop-down list. Select the buyer group to which the new customer/buyer has to be added 

  • What is “Buyer as App User” in the Buyer Details list? 

If the buyer needs access to the buyer application, click on the box to have a tick. A pin will be generated and will be sent to the buyer as an SMS for logging the buyer application.

  • Now click on the Save Business button 
  1. How to add more app users for a single buyer?
  • Click on the +Add App User button corresponding to the respective buyer for adding more app users. 
  • A dialogue box will appear 
  • Provide name, phone number and email address (if necessary)
  • Click Save User and the new user will be created
  1. What is the deactivate button in the buyer row
  • If the seller is not serving a customer/ buyer, they can deactivate the buyer. He can be deactivated at any stage.
  1. Can we upload the buyer’s list through excel?

Uploading buyers list through excel is possible

  • Navigate to the new admin button as shown below and click on it. 
  • Click on Buyers menu in the left menu 
  • A download sample file for getting the templates
  • Fill the details in an excel file
  • Click upload as Excel file button
  • A dialogue box will appear. 
  • Upload the excel file from the system 
  • Buyers will be added
step how to add buyers bulky
  1. What is there is an error?

The system will try its best to identify the issue and provide a clear explanation. 

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