Product Catalog

  1.  How we can Add products into a catalogue via Admin?
  • After setting a catalogue, the Select Products button corresponding to a catalogue
  • Clicking on the Category tree list will expand the selection based on the entries made in the previous steps.
  • Open a primary category first and then the desired subcategory to see the Add Products option.
  • An Add Product window will appear.
  • Provide the required details such as name, unit of measure, price, type and variance selection.
  • Please note if the product has SKUs in its portfolio, tick “Variance enabled” 
  • Click Save and proceed to set product images in the Images section. 
  • Upload the image files. Image must be greater than 1000×1000 pixels ratio. and click Save.
  1. What are SKUs mentioned here

SKUs are subdivisions inside the product.

For example, a Milk powder by Anchor can be of different sizes viz. 250 gram, 500 gram, 750 gram, 1 kg and 2.5 kg etc. These 5 variations are considered 5 SKUs under the product Anchor Milk Powder.

  1. How are the SKUs added?
  • Provide attribute information from the Attribute section, by selecting from the list of options and setting each value, description and other information required. 
  • Click Save to generate the SKU’s based on the attributes chosen.
  • Set individual SKU information for the products in the SKU section, by providing offer dates, prices and other information required. The system does not currently support multi-dependent attributes or multi-dependent SKU products. 
  • Click Save to ensure that the product information is stored and ready for publishing.
  • After each update, it is necessary to publish the updated catalogue or publish the warehouse. For more detailed information go through How can I publish my products?
  1. How we can Add products into a catalogue via Excel (Recommended For Bulk Action)?
  • We can upload bulk product catalogues using excel here.
  • For this select sub-tab excel in warehouse icon

A sample template is available for reference by selecting Download Template with example products already entered in it. 

  • Add products and other necessary details to that sheet. Fill in the mandatory fields and fill in the optional fields if you need. 
  • Select Upload Catalogue
  • A dialogue box will appear.
  • Choose the excel file to be uploaded from the system.
  • Select the catalogue to which you want to add the excel file.
  • Hit Save to add the file and proceed to process it by selecting Move to Catalogue

Should you need further assistance please send us a mail at

  1. Can I update my catalogue using excel?

Yes. Updating the catalogue using excel is possible

  • Click the download button from the catalogue. 
  • Excel file will be downloaded
  • Update the excel with new categories, subcategories and products. The existing product details can also be edited except the product name
  • Upload the excel as described in the corresponding catalogue where it has to be uploaded
  1. How many category levels are supported?
  • Currently, the system supports up to 2 levels of category. 
  • For adding products to the catalogue, either it can be under the primary category or secondary category. If the Primary category has a Sub-Category, products can only be added under the Sub-Category.
  1. What if there is an error?
  • During Adding products into a catalogue via excel (Recommended) there may be errors in the file used for upload. 
  • The system will try its best to identify the issue and provide a clear explanation. 
  • In most cases, these are the points to check should an error arise :

                                  Unit of Measure values

                                  Special characters for field names 

Should you need further assistance please send us a mail at

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