- How to place an order ?
- Open application” https://buyer.storimart.bytetale.com/#/login “. Login it with Username and Password.
- After Login you can see the home page of buyer web application
- Select any primary category and then select a subcategory, to view products that are available in the shop by category option.
- Select the products and add them into the cart.
- Navigate to the cart icon for checkout.
- Select Checkout
- Provide details for delivery address, time and additional notes, if any.
- Click place Order.
- How we can change the quantity of product while ordering?
- You can change the quantity by clicking on the “+” and “-” button , or typing the required quantity in the quantity field. The final quantity should be more than the MOQ specified by the seller
- You can edit the quantity of products in the cart as shown below
- You can click on the ‘+’ or “-” button or can type the quantity needed for that product.
- How we can add products to the wishlist?
- You can add products to the wishlist by clicking on the 💙 button above each of the products on the product listing page.
- You can see the added products in the top corner of the product listing page as 💙
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